Youth Vision Uganda

Working Together For A Better Simple Life  

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 1. Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) Program

The establishment of the early childhood development education model centre of bright destiny Academy was aimed at the provision of quality early childhood development education skills to allow under-privileged children achieve similar standards of education as those obtained by more advantaged children worldwide. With the fact that, Uganda’s education system does not fund Kindergarten studies, at Youth Vision Uganda we believe that early childhood development education service is a cornerstone to future academic success and a springboard to personal achievement.  Recognizing that children who live in impoverished situations often require more than basic education skills, our program attempts to provide a holistic approach to meet this unique social, nutritional and developmental needs of children living in absolute poverty.  We consequently believe that when these children are taught these skills will assist them lay strong foundations for successful basic primary education and well beyond. 

However since inception, Youth Vision Uganda through Bright Destiny Academy has successfully achieved the above aims through direct training and support of over 300 children.  We are proud to say that, 180 children are now formerly enrolled in some of the best private and government aided primary schools in the region.  And currently have a total of over 180 children being given periodic educational support.

Our curriculum is based on that developed by the Uganda Ministry of Education Games and Sports where children are introduced to: English language, Pre-reading skills, numbers, and drawing.  The integration of other subjects such as social studies; music, dance and drama; physical education; and, thematic skills, has helped enhance the children's psychosocial, physical, mental and social development stages. International teaching methods like audio perception, thinking, reasoning and picture comprehension have also been incorporated by some of our past international volunteers.

2. Akena Children’s Education Fund

Akena Children’s Education Fund is one of our programs aimed at allowing needy but talented students continue with their education beyond the Early Childhood Development Education level. The sad news is that, many of the bright children who wish to continue with school beyond Kindergarten have been orphaned, are victims of HIV/AIDS, or have unnecessarily endured poverty as a result of 20 years of conflict in the region.  In addition to these challenges, the nature of Uganda’s education system often leaves these unfortunate children with no option.

Although Uganda has made considerable strides in promoting Universal Primary Education, there remain many things to be done and made.  In Uganda, primary education begins at Grade 1 and runs to Grade 7.  With a limited number of government schools, and, with maximum enrollments in each school, many children are left out with no alternative but to go to private schools with their tuition fee far beyond what the average parent can afford. Seeing this gap, The Akena Children’s Education Fund was initiated as a worthy initiative with the hope of helping provide less privileged children with the chance to continue with their studies. The program’s name “Lonely” symbolizes the life of young children who have been left alone in their pursuit of education.

 3- Food For Education Program

 This is simply the provision of food to school children. As we re-embark on this program, you need to clearly understand that this cause is clearly un-debatable. There is a lot of data and proof on the cost of hunger in schools. Can you imagine an average Ugandan kid can go for close to 24 hours without food? At Bright Destiny Academy, we have come to realize that children who study on empty stomach never concentrate in classroom related activities at all.

Our major reason to run this program is concealed in the facts that:

  •  The program helps to address the social needs and safety net for the children involved during crisis.

    ·        Secondly, the programme helps improve learning and education outcomes as kids tend to concentrate more in classroom related activities without any extra distraction.

    ·        The programme helps us get and retain more children at school thus enhancing enrollment and reducing absentism.

    ·        Once the children are at school and given food supplements, they will be able to concentrate without thinking of when and what their next meal time will be

    ·        Beside all the above, the program will help improve on the nutritional needs of malnourished children in the centre.


4. Youth Sorts For Development/Life Skills Program

This is a social reintegration program aimed at re-organizing and rebuilding of our shuttered communities, promote peace and unity and hope for a better life among the youth generation who have known nothing better than war since child birth. The implementation of peace driven programs such as sports for development program has helped promote peace and restored hope for a better life. Mere being pre-occupied with soccer activities helped safeguard the youth involved against social vices like stealing, sexual promiscuity, use of drugs and vagabondage. There is always a group social interaction by the youth after training an activity that has help build the youth self-confidence to make informed decision.